Are you headed down a one-way street?
I guarantee we’ve all been down a one-way street at some point in our lives – likely more than once. Even if you aren’t currently on one, it’s important to recognize when they start to appear in your life.
One-way streets are part of the Life Map language I’ve created. It means you’re heading somewhere that feels like your only option, and closing yourself off to other ideas and possibilities.
A lot of the time we do this without even realizing it. This is mainly based on us getting caught up in society’s belief systems.
Society has taught us how to behave, how we should look, and how we’re supposed to live our life. Go to school, get a job, get married, have kids yadda, yadda, yadda!
While I do believe some of these beliefs are starting to shift as more and more people challenge them, for many of us these beliefs can be tough to break. It’s not until we take a close look at them that we start to see and understand how they may be holding us back and not serving us in the way we originally thought.
As you look at your life ask yourself what decisions you’ve made or are currently making based on society’s belief systems.
Maybe you went to College or University because it seemed like the “right” thing to do, but deep down didn’t feel quite right. Or maybe you got married or you’re in a relationship with someone despite your inner GPS (intuition) telling you otherwise.
Check out this weeks video to help you see the one-way streets you may be headed down!
One-way Streets
It’s also important to ask yourself what societal belief systems you’ve been emotionally holding onto. Even going against the grain can be tough and leave you feeling really vulnerable.
Maybe you didn’t go to University because you knew it didn’t feel like the right thing, but you’re holding onto the one-way street after math of that decision. Even though you know you made the right choice for you, going against society’s beliefs may leave you feel not smart enough or good enough.
Those one-way streets can sneak in there without us realizing the impact they’re having on us.
I’ve spoken with a few people who have a strained relationship with a family member and they hold resentment towards them because they feel the relationship should be different than it is. I always ask them why they feel that way. Usually they say it’s because society has painted a picture as to how it should be. The truth is there aren’t any “should” be’s. It’s just what is. Why does it have to look a certain way? It’s important to know it doesn’t!
Really get honest with yourself about what your beliefs are and where they come from. When you start to explore your beliefs you might be surprised you’ve been holding onto things you really want to let go of. Start being aware of why you choose to go along with these beliefs. Maybe you’ll start to see that deep down fear is getting in your way of making certain decisions.
If you enjoyed this video make sure to also check out Discover how to Refill Your Tank.
It’s time to start being the driver in your life and taking control of the wheel! I’ve got some exciting 1:1 programs that will help you reach your true potential, achieve goals and get unstuck! If you want to start making some serious changes in your life I invite you to check them out here!