How to Accept New Holiday Traditions

How to Accept New Holiday Traditions
Do the holidays look a little different for you this year? I know for me it does. My sister usually hosts Christmas at her place but this year they’re taking a family trip to the Bahamas. I know, totally not fair!
With my other sister at her in-laws that just leaves my mom and I. So this year we decided we’re going to spend it with our extended family. Something we haven’t done since I was a little girl still writing letters to Santa.
It’s definitely going to feel a bit different and I’ll miss the rest of my family, but I’m excited because I also think it will be a lot of fun!
I know for many people it can be challenging to accept change on the most magical day of the year. However, I’m here to tell you that despite your kids creating new traditions of their own, spending it at the in-laws or traveling somewhere else, it’s still entirely possible to make December 25th feel as special as always. Just keep these tips in mind!