How to Discover Your Dream Job: Tips on figuring out your passion in life

How to Discover Your Dream Job
I had a dream job most people would kill for. Working as a T.V Producer at one of the top networks in Canada, I got to go to fancy events, interview celebrities and hangout on red carpets. Part of me wonders if I’m a little crazy for leaving that job, but at the end of the day deep down something just didn’t feel quite right. I did that job for almost 10 years, and to be honest, it took me a long time to admit that the job just didn’t fulfill me. I always felt like something was missing. There was some disconnect between me and the type of work I was doing. I just didn’t know what else to do with my life and every time I would try and figure it out I just become more and more frustrated because nothing really seemed to excite me.
Figuring out my dream job and doing what I’m super passionate about didn’t just happen overnight. It was a loooong journey, and one that had me in tears A LOT!
In today’s video I share how I figured out what my passion truly is, and tips that might help you discover yours!