Stop Psyching Yourself Out

Stop Psyching Yourself Out
As human beings we’re really good at psyching ourselves out. We’re so good at making up stories. Stories we actually start to believe without any real proof.
I recently spent a couple months in New York. When I was first thinking about going I started to actually freak myself out a bit. I started picturing myself there and even though it felt exciting, I was also working myself into a bit of a tizzy! Thinking about how to navigate my way through a new city, meet new people and attend events where I didn’t know anyone all of a sudden made me question if going was such a great idea.
I knew in my gut it was something I had to do and I’m so glad I did! I met such amazing people, had unforgettable experiences and I grew in a way I never imagined. It was a perfect reminder that things are never as scary as we anticipate them to be.
As you watch this weeks video I want you to start thinking of times in your life when you went ahead and did something outside your comfort zone regardless of how freaked out you felt.