Wishing on Stars

Wishing on Stars
When I was a little girl wishing on stars was a daily occurrence in my life. It’s also where I felt my journey to become a coach first began. That’s why getting up onstage and telling this story was so important to me – as nerve racking as it felt at first.
You see, as I headed into this year I made a promise to myself to get out there and do whatever I could to get more comfortable as a speaker. This somehow evolved into me signing up for a speaking competition! Something I hadn’t done since I was 11 years old.
I ended up being first up to speak and actually surprised myself with how at ease I felt. I felt really good about my speech and I’m honestly not sure how I could have done much better.
But, I didn’t win, I didn’t even place top 4. That’s ok, however, I surprised myself with the feelings that came up with the results. I all of a sudden started to question if I was good enough, if this is the path I’m actually meant to go down, if all my hard work is worth it! Then I started to beat myself up for feeling like a sore loser! What was happening?! This isn’t like me and this certainly goes against everything I preach! Again…here I go being hard on myself.
Self acceptance is one of the hardest things to master in life. Some days I feel like I have it down and other days I’m thrown into situations like this where I start to question my worth.
However, not winning has in some weird way given me a gift – a really uncomfortable one, but one that’s making me grow and acknowledge I still have work to do in certain areas of my life. This is what helps me stay grounded, to remain human, and for that I’m truly grateful.
Today I wanted to share my speech called Wishing on Stars with you as it’s a very personal story to me and one I’m hoping you can relate to.