
What I Learned Milking a Cow: Costa Rica

What I Learned Milking a Cow

What I Learned Milking a Cow

ADVENTURE: Any experience in life that allows you to learn and grow.

Anytime I’m traveling and I have the opportunity to explore or try something new, I’m like ‘bring it on!’ My goal is to experience as much as I can in this lifetime. Even if it’s something as basic as milking a cow.

While I was in Costa Rica I stayed with my Soul Adventure Retreat co-host, Sarah, on her farm. I told her I wanted to experience doing the morning chores. I knew this was an opportunity I would never have back home in the city – and it made me excited!

It’s funny how something that seemed exciting to me is a hum-drum every day routine for someone else – and one I’m sure they would love to skip now and then. Mind you – I’m sure if I had to get up early everyday and do farm chores, the novelty would quickly wear off.

It was amazing to witness a completely different life than what I’m used to. I kept asking myself if I could live this full-time Costa Rica farm life. I know I would miss my North American conveniences but would I eventually get used to a brand new life somewhere else?

Whether or not I would love it is yet to be determined – but what it made me realize is that we so often fantasize about living a certain life, or reaching a specific goal because we have this idea of what exactly it will feel like when we achieve it. However – most of the time we rarely feel how we expected to in the end. Expectations get in the way, along with not realizing reality always feels different than a fantasy. Fantasies don’t take into account the fears that pop up along the way. They also don”t give you a full 360 degree view of what the experience will entail.

The biggest lesson I learned (and I’m still learning) is to truly understand my intention in the choices I make. To get honest with myself about what I want and why I want it. When you can remind yourself of that and keep asking yourself if every action you take is serving your intention – you have the ability to feel more grounded, happy and fulfilled.

My intention in milking a cow was simply to experience it. I didn’t have any expectations when it came to how much milk we were going to get, or if I was going to become a pro milker.

How would life feel different for you if your intention was to just fully experience every situation that came your way?


Jungle Life in Costa Rica

Jungle Life in Costa Rica

Jungle Life in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has been filled with so many adventures and I have learned so much. Everything from how to use a machete to how banana trees grow.

I love seeing and experiencing how the locals live. It gives me such a greater perspective of the world, allows me to learn new skills and to be grateful for the little things in life we so easily take for granted.

I hope one day you have the opportunity to visit and explore this beautiful country and absorb everything it has to offer.


Costa Rica Adventures: Orange Picking

Orange Picking

Orange Picking

Hola from Costa Rica! I am absolutely in love with this country. I’m so grateful my retreat co-host, Sarah, lives in this beautiful place and I have the opportunity to stay on her farm before heading further south to host the Soul Adventure Retreat.

One of the first adventures I had on the farm was orange picking with her adorable sons. They taught me all about oranges and how to make the perfect cup of freshly squeezed OJ.

It’s amazing how something that seems so simple can turn into a really fun adventure and an opportunity to learn new things.


3 Ways to Feel Positive

How to Feel Positive

How to Feel Positive

It’s so easy to let certain situations or expectations get us down – but the true test is all in how we choose to deal with it.

Having a negative mindset tends to be a natural state for many, but the truth is, it takes more energy to be negative. It might take awhile to train your mind to be more positive but once you start living life with this brighter attitude life feels a lot better.

I’ve made a point of leading with a positive mindset and it makes such a big difference. It doesn’t mean I never get frustrated, upset or annoyed – it’s important to embrace all emotions. It’s just equally as important to ask yourself how you want to handle these emotions and how you want to show up in life!

It makes a big difference when you ask yourself who you want to be – and an even bigger difference when you ask yourself who you want to be in those lower feeling moments. When I do catch myself in a more negative mindset there are a few things I do to help me shift out of it. I’m excited to share what those are with you, so you can start feeling happier, lighter and enjoy life in an even bigger way!


Downhill Skiing Adventure

Downhill Skiing Adventure

Downhill Skiing Adventure

Do you ever feel like you’re rushing through life instead of just enjoying the ride?

This is by far one of my biggest struggles. Having patience is a big challenge for me. I’m always wanting to be 10 steps ahead of where I actually am. I’m constantly reminding myself to enjoy the journey and I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.

As I continue my winter adventure mission – I decided to go downhill skiing at the Caledon Ski Club. An adventure that reiterates the importance of slowing down and taking my time. I realize moving quickly isn’t just something I do in my everyday life to get things done, but also on the slopes. I also learned you can easily crash and burn. While it may not be on camera this time around, I had a pretty epic wipeout down the ski hill. The entire day my cousin kept reminding me to ski across the hill not straight down it, because taking my time will give me more control. It look a bit of getting used to, and a few bumps and bruises but I eventually got the hang of it.

I love how each adventure teaches me something about other areas of my life. It’s amazing what you can learn by allowing yourself to get out, have fun and embrace new experiences.


How Lazy Are You?

How lazy are you?

How lazy are you?

This winter has definitely been one for the books!

With all this cold, snow and slush, I’ve been learning some very valuable lessons. As a gal who typically enjoys the summer much more, because I like hiking, hitting up a patio or going to the beach – this time of year can be super challenging.

So, this winter I’ve been working very hard at shifting my mindset – mainly because I’m tired of feeling so blah, grumpy and LAZY! I’ve been doing this by bringing awareness to the “winter stories” aka excuses I’ve been telling myself.

I’ve also realized how my winter mindset applies to other areas in my life and I can’t wait to share my latest revelation with you in this weeks video!


Skating Adventures

Skating Adventures

Skating Adventures

Winter adventures in full effect! This past weekend my bf Jason and I hit the rink with our skates. It was cold, it was snowing and my feet felt like they were going to fall off by the end, but we had SO MUCH FUN! I’m usually not a big fan of winter, despite living up north in Ontario, but I told myself I was going to make the most of it this year!

With every adventure I go on, I always love reflecting on 3 specific things:

What did I learn?

What did I love?

Did I laugh?

These 3 Adventure L’s always help me discover more of who I am and how I grow from different experiences.

With skating I learned that it can be a really fun partner activity. Jason and I had the best time together. It gave us an opportunity to decompress from our day and connect with one another. I also discovered I actually enjoy skating, whereas before I always thought of it as something that would hurt my feet. Turns out buying your own skates really helps with your comfort level 😉

What I loved was being able to get outside in the winter. Usually I’m a hermit because there hasn’t been anything exciting enough to get me outside. Turns out I just needed a mindset adjustment. I also loved holding Jason’s hand and having him pull me around…hehe.

And did I laugh? Ha! I didn’t realize until editing this VLOG how much I giggled and that I had a smile on my face the whole time 🙂

I hope this weeks video inspires you just a little bit to add some winter adventure into your life!


Embarrassing Life Lesson

Embarrassing Life Lesson

Embarrassing Life Lesson

When have you learned a very valuable life lesson? I don’t know about you, but usually all the lessons I learn end up coming from very challenging, heartbreaking or embarrassing experiences. I mean, at the end of the day learning from our mistakes and discovering the outcome of a situation is really how we grow and evolve. If you’re living each day the same and not pushing yourself to do more, your life isn’t going to evolve into more. It’s as simple as that.

Lately I’ve been exploring more and more of my Life Map and learning a lot of valuable lessons from my past. I had a big ah-ha moment reflecting back on getting my ears pierced at 16 years old. The whole thing was a bit embarrassing (which I will share in this weeks video), but on the other side of the embarrassment was a big realization. I would love to know if you can relate!


How to Declutter Your Life

It’s super challenging to declutter your condo, house, office etc. It’s hard to say goodbye to items you’ve had for awhile or invested in. Many of us choose to hold onto things for various reasons, but it’s time to decide if it’s worth keeping! Maybe the item has sentimental value, maybe you spent a lot of money on it, or perhaps you have guilt getting rid of it because you feel you didn’t use it or wear it enough.

One thing I know for sure is that a cluttered space really does take a toll on you mentally. It can feel stressful and overwhelming to constantly be surrounded by STUFF!

My friend Laura was feeling this exact way living in her condo so I paid her a visit to coach her through letting go of certain items in her closet so should can create more space in her home and her life!

I’m hoping her purging story will help inspire you to tackle the clutter in your home so you can feel lighter and more at ease.


In One Year I Changed My Entire Life 1

In One Year I Changed My Entire Life

In One Year I Changed My Entire Life

Ok – confession time. A few years ago I didn’t really know who I was. To be honest, I didn’t think to take the time to think about it. I was just going through the motions of life instead of thinking of the life I wanted to create for myself.

It wasn’t until I got out of a relationship that I was forced to think about what and who I really wanted to be in life. Becoming single changed everything for me. I felt I had this newfound freedom I hadn’t tapped into before. I didn’t realize how much I was holding myself back due to the fact I was in a relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame my lack of freedom on the relationship – the problem was I just didn’t have the awareness to realize how I was choosing to show up in the relationship. Relationships can be extremely beautiful, however I also believe they work best when you can compliment each other’s life instead of allowing the relationship to become your life.

Once that relationship did end I found myself automatically searching for other things to fill that void, and in the process unexpectedly found myself! By saying YES to opportunities and seeking out certain adventures, I was unconsciously discovering more and more about who I really was. By continuously stepping outside my comfort zone, I ended up giving myself one of the greatest gifts in the world.

In this weeks video I share more about how I did this, and how you too can create your most epic year yet that will create the foundation for a life you’ll truly love living.


Do You Have FOMO?

Do you have FOMO?

Do you have FOMO?

Have you ever experienced FOMO? If you’ve never heard this term before it stands for Fear of Missing Out. It’s a really common feeling many of us experience in social situations where we don’t want to miss out on all the fun! The problem is living with FOMO can stress you out, give you anxiety and drain your energy.

Often we don’t take time to even think about the real fear that’s behind FOMO. Instead we’re just overcome with a strong emotion that leads us to do things without knowing our true intention behind it. Taking the time to think about why you truly want to do something will save you so much time, energy and sanity!

In this weeks video I share what area in my life I struggle with FOMO and give you tips on how to find out if you’re choosing to do things that are serving you the most!


Saying Goodbye to a Passion: How to Re-evaluate Life

How to Re-evaluate Life

How to Re-evaluate Life

This past week has been an emotional one! After a lot of reflection I decided that after 10 years of teaching fitness, it was time to re-evaluate life and let it go.

Teaching fitness has always been a huge passion of mine so this decision was not an easy one to make. As I went through the process of making this choice, I realized I had a lot of fears to overcome.

I believe anytime we find ourselves at a fork in the road it’s important to spend time uncovering the fears that are making it challenging to make a decision. At the end of the day we know what we want – we’re just blinded by fear. By breaking through the different fears it’s far easier to develop more clarity.

It’s also key to recognize the purpose certain events, experiences and people have in your Life Map journey. When I looked back on my Life Map it was incredible to see how becoming a Fitness Instructor was so vital in me becoming who I am today!

In this weeks video I share my journey of becoming a Fitness Instructor, and exactly why I had to say goodbye 10 years later.


How Nice Are You? Stop the Negative Self Talk

Are you nice to yourself?

Are you nice to yourself?

How nice are you to yourself? Do you speak to yourself like you would your best friend? I don’t know about you but I’m definitely harder on myself than I would be to anyone else. Becoming an entrepreneur brought that out even more! All of a sudden I’m literally face to face with myself in everything I do, everything I create and every decision I make. I have no one else to blame for the mistakes I make or the inevitable ‘”failures” I feel I endure. I’ve had to work really hard at being kind to myself because I’ve realized the harder I am on myself the more I’m self sabotaging and playing small.

This weeks video is to help bring awareness to the way you might be treating yourself without even realizing it!


Backstage at Cirque du Soleil

Cirque Du Soleil: Volta

Cirque Du Soleil: Volta

Friends – meet my friend Brandon! He’s a circus performer in the Cirque du Soleil show, Volta.

It’s kinda funny how him and I met (you’ll have to watch the video to find out) but it’s pretty amazing how life just hands you these gifts when you least expect them! I never thought I would somehow meet someone in the circus who would invite me backstage!  Our Life Map’s brought us together and we connected over the fact we’re both on a similar journey. Not one that has me leaving to join the circus anytime soon, but the type of journey where we’re both choosing to work on being the best version of ourselves.

In this weeks video I sit down with Brandon as I learn more about the circus and his Life Map journey as a performer!


Fall in Love With Winter

Fall in Love with Winter

Fall in Love with Winter

So here’s the deal – yes, I’m Canadian, but that certainly doesn’t mean I love winter. However, I’m on a mission to make the best of it this year!

I grew up in Muskoka where we get lots of snow, and as a kid I built snow forts, made snow angels, had snowball fights and made snowmen. As I got older these activities became less appealing and I grew to dislike winter even more. My experience with winter now is defined with lots of grunts as I pull my scarf across my face, sighs as I make my way through the slush and racoon eyes from my mascara as the icicles on my eyelashes start to melt. This is what my perspective of winter has become and I’m ready to change that!

So to get me in the winter spirit I decided to hit up the Toronto Ski and Snowboard Show. I definitely received some amazing winter inspiration and I can’t wait to share it with you so you can fall in love with winter too!


LEAP OF FAITH: Zipline and Treetop Trekking Adventures

Treetop trekking at Blue Mountain

Treetop trekking at Blue Mountain

Wherever my Life Map takes me I’m always on the lookout for amazing adventures!

I recently took a trip up to Blue Mountain, Ontario, where I partnered with NIVEA to give a talk on how to feel good in your skin. After the presentation was over I swapped my jeans for workout pants and met my friend, country music singer Brittany Brodie, for a fun fall outdoor adventure at the Blue Mountain Resort!

Brittany may have been a little more hesitant than I was when I told her we were going ziplning and treetop trekking. Brit isn’t a huge fan of heights so this was completely outside her comfort zone. However, with a little coaching and encouragement, I’m really proud how far she pushed herself.

I also surprised myself when an unexpected fear crept up that caught me a bit off guard.

See what it took for us to work through our nerves in this weeks video!


LOST IN A CORN MAZE: The Benefits of Getting Lost in Life

Lost in a corn maze

Lost in a corn maze

Corn mazes, pumpkin patches, and hayrides, oh my! In this weeks Life Map adventure my cousin Dave and I get up to some Farmtastic fun!

I’m always amazed how much you can learn by opening yourself up to new experiences. We had no idea what to expect during this day-long adventure, but that’s the beauty in being present, letting life lead the way and releasing any expectations.

I don’t know about you, but usually I have the most fun when life happens spontaneously. Even if it means getting a little lost. That’s the beauty of life sometimes. You’re meant to find your way by exploring different paths. That’s how you find clarity in knowing which path feels like the right one.

Over the course of the day we managed to meet some interesting looking animals, get carjacked, get lost in a corn maze, feel really awkward on a hayride, and get caught in the rain!

Check out the full farm adventure by watching the video below!


GLAMPING ADVENTURES: How to Reconnect with Yourself

Glamping at Whispering Springs

Glamping at Whispering Springs

The last time I went camping was with my sisters, cousin and niece about 15 years ago. We packed our tents, cooler and sleeping bags, and huddled together on the hard and lumpy ground to keep warm.

Camping has changed quite a bit since then. It’s even changed it’s name to glamping! My sister and I had the opportunity to experience this new camping experience sans outhouse at the beautiful “Whispering Springs Wilderness Retreat.”

You can now enjoy the great outdoors in a mansion sized tent complete with a king size bed, soaker tub, and electric fireplace. To top off this luxury camping experience, my sister and I had the pleasure of also enjoying a yoga and wellness retreat while we were there.

It was exactly what my body and soul was craving. An escape from the city, healthy food, yoga and an opportunity to reconnect with myself. This is why as a Coach I also love creating retreats. It’s amazing what some time away mixed with some adventure can do!


CENTRAL PARK VLOG: My Favourite Place to Ponder Life

Central Park VLOG

Central Park VLOG

One of my favourite places on earth is Central Park. I know there are so many other beautiful sights in the world, but for some reason there’s something about this park that has captured my heart. I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I spent 2 months in NYC thinking and reflecting a lot in this special place.

In this weeks Central Park VLOG I’m excited to share my favourite people watching spot, where I sought cover from the rain, my refuge when I felt anxious, and my favourite reading nook!

There are so many amazing things to see in Central Park, but these places I’m about to share with you hold great meaning to me. I hope one day you’re able to visit and enjoy them as much as I do!


NYC VLOG: Two Girls, a Monkey and a Trapeze!

NYC Vlog: Two Girls, a monkey and a trapeze!

NYC Vlog: Two Girls, a monkey and a trapeze!

The first time I stepped foot in NYC was for a work trip about 10 years ago. The moment I arrived I felt like I was home. It’s hard to explain but there was something about that city that felt so familiar to me even though I had never been there before.

Since then I haven’t been able to stop thinking about NYC and try to visit any chance I get. Last year I had the opportunity to live there for a couple of months and wish I could have stayed longer!

Recently my friend Jelayna and I decided to celebrate our birthday’s in the Big Apple! We’re actually birthday twins so it only seemed natural we would do something special for it.

As we took in the city we embarked on as many adventures as we could, and I can’t wait to share them with you in this weeks VLOG.


California Dreamin’: Trust and Let Go

Trust and Let Go

Trust and Let Go

Trust and let go. These words have been playing on repeat in my mind for some time now.

Most recently this new line of thinking came into play during my recent trip to California. It’s always been a dream of mine to do a photoshoot in L.A, cause let’s be honest – it sounds pretty freakin’ fun and cool! So here I was, making the dream a reality! However, I felt completely outside my comfort zone. Thank goodness for my photographer/friend Kate, whose skills I relied on heavily!

I’m not used to being in an unfamiliar city with lots of eyes on me as I try to figure out how to pose like most of the models in L.A. I’m a country girl who grew up in a small town who was taught to just smile at the camera and say cheese.

I quickly realized I needed to get out of my own head or these photos were going to be disastrous! I literally just allowed myself to have complete trust in Kate and the process by reminding myself to just trust and let go.

I soon found myself relaxing more and more and ended up having sooo much fun! It truly is amazing what can happen when you allow yourself to experience something new and a little scary!

Check out this weeks VLOG where I take you behind the scenes of my L.A photoshoot!


California Dreamin’: How to Manifest Your Dreams

Manifest Your Dreams

Manifest Your Dreams

Do you know how to manifest your dreams? I heard that term so many times, but it always felt like it was all a bit of woo woo to be honest. Until, one day it actually happened!

This past spring I felt inspired to visit L.A. The only problem was, I had no real reason to go there and I couldn’t justify a random trip all the way out to the west coast. So,I decided to reach out to some people and plant some seeds to see if I could create some type of opportunity for myself.

I heard back from some people but it all seemed to be a dead end. However, I still couldn’t shake this feeling that I was meant to pay a visit there.

Then out of nowhere I heard from my friends Kim and Mel who were in town visiting from L.A. I met them for lunch and as we were sitting there they mentioned how they were looking for guest teachers for their “You Got This Girl” workshop in L.A. BAM! It was happening. The dream I wanted to come true was manifesting before my eyes!

Not only that, but once the wheels were in motion everything else fell into place so seamlessly! I LOVE when that happens.

I all of a sudden had a place to stay, and was able to take a mini vacation to Santa Barbara before the workshop! (Check out EPS 02 of California Dreamin’: What is Relaxation) PLUS I had the opportunity to have an L.A photoshoot with a talented photog friend who also happened to be there during that time. Stay tuned for EPS 05 of California Dreamin’ to see how that adventure unfolds!

It’s amazing what you can create for yourself with the right intentions and opening yourself up to all possibilities!

I hope you enjoy EPS. 04 of my VLOG ‘California Dreamin’: Manifest Your Dreams, where I help others manifest their own at the YGTG workshop!


California Dreamin’: My Hike to Inspiration Point

My hike to Inspiration Point

My hike to Inspiration Point

A hike to Inspiration Point! What could be more inspiring than that?

When I arrived to Santa Barbara I decided to explore the beautiful nature spots this place has to offer. It was a hot day but I was feeling extra alive under the sun and surrounded by nature.

I started my adventure that day at the Botanic Gardens, where I may have gotten a little lost. How you can get lost in a botanic garden is beyond me, but somehow I found myself in a place I eventually realized I shouldn’t be!

I then made my way up the mountains of California to see what inspiration I could find!

Although, I realized that as much as I try to seek out inspiration, it usually just ends up finding me. However, I know if I give myself the space just to be, without forcing thoughts and expectations it flows more easily.

I hope you enjoy EPS. 03 of my VLOG ‘California Dreamin’: Finding Inspiration


California Dreamin’: What is Relaxation?

What is relaxation?

What is relaxation?

Relaxation has always been super challenging for me. Even when I’m on vacation! I always feel like there’s so much to see or do. Anytime I go on a vacation I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation lol.

While I was visiting Santa Barbara California I was very aware of the anxious feeling I had when I wasn’t sure I was going to see everything I wanted to in the span of a day and a half.

I had a little pep talk with myself to remind myself to just chill out and be present. This led to me having some cool unexpected adventures! And you know what? I left feeling relaxed, happy and accomplished. Even if I didn’t check everything off my to-do list.

I hope you enjoy EPS. 02 of my VLOG ‘California Dreamin’: What is Relaxation?’


California Dreamin’: Stepping Into The Unknown 1

California Dreamin': Stepping Into The Unknown

California Dreamin’: Stepping Into The Unknown

I thought I would step outside my comfort zone this week and try something new. I just got back from an adventure in California and decided to vlog about my experience while I was there!

This is the first episode of a 5-part series called “The Life Map: California Dreamin’ ” where I completely let loose, have fun, and share my lessons along the way. I can’t wait to hear what you think!

In this first episode I share why I’m even going to California, how I encountered some airport drama, and how I took a big leap of faith stepping into the unknown in Santa Barbara!


Wishing on Stars

Wishing on Stars

Wishing on Stars

When I was a little girl wishing on stars was a daily occurrence in my life. It’s also where I felt my journey to become a coach first began. That’s why getting up onstage and telling this story was so important to me – as nerve racking as it felt at first.

You see, as I headed into this year I made a promise to myself to get out there and do whatever I could to get more comfortable as a speaker. This somehow evolved into me signing up for a speaking competition! Something I hadn’t done since I was 11 years old.

I ended up being first up to speak and actually surprised myself with how at ease I felt. I felt really good about my speech and I’m honestly not sure how I could have done much better.

But, I didn’t win, I didn’t even place top 4. That’s ok, however, I surprised myself with the feelings that came up with the results. I all of a sudden started to question if I was good enough, if this is the path I’m actually meant to go down, if all my hard work is worth it! Then I started to beat myself up for feeling like a sore loser! What was happening?! This isn’t like me and this certainly goes against everything I preach! Again…here I go being hard on myself.

Self acceptance is one of the hardest things to master in life. Some days I feel like I have it down and other days I’m thrown into situations like this where I start to question my worth.

However, not winning has in some weird way given me a gift – a really uncomfortable one, but one that’s making me grow and acknowledge I still have work to do in certain areas of my life. This is what helps me stay grounded, to remain human, and for that I’m truly grateful.

Today I wanted to share my speech called Wishing on Stars with you as it’s a very personal story to me and one I’m hoping you can relate to.



How My Life Map Is Leading Me To Los Angeles

How My Life Map Is Leading Me To Los Angeles

How My Life Map Is Leading Me To Los Angeles

When I was 15 years old I wrote out my whole life plan, which included me someday living in Los Angeles, California. No, I’m not moving to L.A – not yet anyways, but I can’t help but smile at the fact that somehow my life is still leading me there right now.

This week I head out on one of the biggest adventures of my entrepreneurial career. I’ve been invited to be a guest teacher at an intensive workshop for You Got This Girl, where I get to share my Life Map program!

The way this opportunity came about is actually due to my own Life Map journey and what I call a Life Map moment!

In this weeks video I’m going to share this Life Map story with you, and help you discover some Life Map moments of your own!

If you’re also interested in diving into your Life Map story even deeper, click HERE to download the FREE Life Map Guide!


The #1 Mantra That Will Change Your Life

The #1 Mantra that will change your life

The #1 Mantra that will change your life

I’m a really big nerd when it comes to inspiring mantras and quotes. I love creating them, and I also love sharing really powerful ones I find or hear from others.

Recently, I had a friend from NYC visit me, and she kept saying this one mantra over and over when things we’re quite going as planned. I completely fell in love with it, and use it all the time now! It’s so interesting how much it helps to calm me down, and put things into perspective.

I’m really excited to share it with you this week and I hope you’re able to adopt it as your own little life helper.

I would also love to hear some of your favourite quotes and mantras so please feel free to leave them in the comments below so we can continue to inspire each other!


4 Signs You’re Headed Towards Burnout

Signs you're headed towards burnout

Signs you’re headed towards burnout

Let’s be honest – life can feel like a lot sometimes, and burnout is a very real thing.

With constant deadlines, commitments, a family to look after and working towards our goals, it’s easy to feel as though there isn’t any time left to properly take care of ourselves.

In today’s world we tend to push and push until we’ve pushed ourselves too far. It’s important to pay attention to the signs of burnout before we actually crash and burn.

As much as we want to be Wonder Woman or Superman, we need to start realizing when enough is enough.

This is something that has become very real for me lately. I keep asking myself how much more can I actually take on, what is my limit, and can I really do it all? I’m starting to realize I do have limits and my body is trying to tell me to slow down.

In today’s video I want to share the 4 signs of burnout I’m currently experiencing, in hopes it helps you take better care of yourself.


The Real Reason I Became a Life Coach

The Real Reason I Became a Life Coach

The Real Reason I Became a Life Coach

When I decided to become a Life Coach it wasn’t on a whim and it wasn’t just because I love living a life full of positivity and fulfillment. For me, there’s a lot of different layers to it. 

There are three things I’m really passionate about. Teaching, connecting and sharing with others. Living with these intentions I hope I’m able to inspire, empower and help those who are open to it and need it.

This week I felt inspired to share a bit more about who I am with you. To give you a deeper look at my past and to see if there’s anything that might resonate with you. 

Any time we share a piece of ourselves with others it allows us to connect on a whole other level. When you teach, you share, which allows you to connect – and that’s why I’m passionate about all those things. They all work in tandem together.


What it Means to be a Unicorn 1

What it Means to be a Unicorn

What it Means to be a Unicorn

I’ve recently been experiencing some major shifts in my own personal journey the last few months. It’s crazy how the journey really is never ending!

Through these changes I’ve discovered something magical. I know this might sound hokey and maybe even a bit weird but the best way I can explain this shift is by relating it to a unicorn.

I obviously know unicorns are a mythical creature but they represent something extremely powerful, beautiful and rare.

When I chose to write this post I decided to do some actual unicorn research!

Interesting unicorn fact: Did you know unicorns have 3 horns during their lifetime? Each one becoming more powerful than the last. We may not have horns on our heads but I like to think we also have the ability to become more powerful, let in more light and embrace the magical beings we are.

If I’ve peaked your interest just a little bit, I invite you to check out this weeks video to understand exactly what it means to be a unicorn.


How To Pick Yourself Back Up When Life’s Got You Down 1

How To Pick Yourself Back Up When Life's Got You Down

How To Pick Yourself Back Up When Life’s Got You Down

We’ve all been through something that’s taken a bit of a toll on us. For me it was a breakup a few years ago. For others it’s more serious things like health issues, death of loved ones or depression.

No matter how hard life can get we always have a choice when it comes to starring it in the face. Are you going to let it get the best of you, or are you going to pick yourself back up and push through as best you can?

I’m really excited to share this weeks video with you where I interview country singer/songwriter Elyse Saunders who just released her new single ‘Rise’. The story behind this song is so inspirational that I couldn’t resist sharing it with you.


How I Left My Job Despite How Terrified I Was

How I Left My Job Despite How Terrified I Was

How I Left My Job Despite How Terrified I Was

Wanna know a secret? The day I decided to leave my job I was an absolute wreck. Despite how sure I was about the decision, I still couldn’t hold myself together. The whole thing felt very surreal.

I had been working as a TV Producer for 10 years. I knew how to do my job like the back of my hand, was super comfortable in the routine, and got to attend cool parties and meet celebrities. Who in their right mind would give that up?!

This girl.

I knew there was something else out there for me. Something that required a big part of who I am that I didn’t get to utilize that much in the position I was in. But let me tell you. Despite how sure I was in the decision, it still terrified the crap out of me! I was starting over in a lot of ways and had no idea what my life was going to look like. I still don’t really know, but all I can say is I haven’t regretted it for a single moment.

I could have easily let fear hold me back from making that leap. It would have been much easier to stay in my usual, comfortable routine. In this weeks video I share exactly how I made the choice to leave regardless how scary everything felt.


How Instagram Almost Made Me Lose Real Friends

How Instagram almost made me lose real friends

How Instagram almost made me lose real friends

A couple weeks ago I had what you can call a social media nightmare! It made me realize how much we really turn to social media for the truth about things, when in fact most of the time we’re only getting a small portion of something much bigger.

I know people who scroll through other peoples social feeds and compare their life to it, which only leaves them feeling more empty inside. Others worry about judgement, while some spend hours creeping someone’s profile trying to find answers to something. Before they know it they’ve gone down this rabbit hole ending up on someone else’s profile they don’t even know!

It’s a whole other world that we on some level believe to be reality, but a lot of the time we’re left filling in the blanks with our own stories not even realizing it! These stories usually aren’t pleasant and leave us with really uncomfortable feelings.

My social media story has to do with my Instagram. Check out this weeks video to find out what happened!


How to Deal With The Backseat Drivers in Your Life

How to Deal With the Backseat Drivers in Your Life

How to Deal With the Backseat Drivers in Your Life

Backseat drivers are part of the Life Map language. They are people in your life that you have allowed to control you in some way. Notice how I said YOU’VE allowed to control YOU.

Think about when you’re driving and you have someone in the backseat telling you how to drive or which way to go. You still have control of the wheel, but sometimes that other voice in your ear makes you question your own skills and abilities. So sometimes you choose to listen to them instead of your own inner GPS.

Recognizing who the backseat drivers are in your life will help you set boundaries and remain authentic to who you are and what you want. We can learn the greatest lessons from our backseat drivers if we’re open to learning about ourselves through the challenges they present us with. We can uncover many unhealthy patterns in our life by taking a look at how our backseat drivers have influenced us. Once we understand the lessons in these encounters we can take that information into the present and alter how we communicate and hold onto our power.

In this weeks video I share a couple tools that will help with your anger and frustration when you’re face to face with a backseat driver.


How to Bring Joy to You and Those Around You 3

How to Bring Joy to You and Those Around You

How to Bring Joy to You and Those Around You

Wanna know one of life’s biggest game changers? I make a conscious effort everyday to do more of this one thing, and it has created such joy for myself and others around me. It’s something so simple, yet I see so many people not doing it!

Joy is what feeds a positive mindset. Without creating joy in your life, it’s much more difficult to remain in high spirits. Joy is also contagious. When you’re able to live with a joyful heart it shows other people how they can do the same.

Engaging with people around us is a big part of what can bring us joy. However, with all the distractions in life like cell phones and busy schedules, we forget to create space for those moments that can bring us joy. A lot of the time they’re right in front of us, but can be gone in a flash if we’re not paying attention.

In this weeks video I want to remind you how one simple act can not only shift your day to a much happier place, but also those around you. Give it a try and see how different you feel!