3 Ways to Feel Positive

How to Feel Positive
It’s so easy to let certain situations or expectations get us down – but the true test is all in how we choose to deal with it.
Having a negative mindset tends to be a natural state for many, but the truth is, it takes more energy to be negative. It might take awhile to train your mind to be more positive but once you start living life with this brighter attitude life feels a lot better.
I’ve made a point of leading with a positive mindset and it makes such a big difference. It doesn’t mean I never get frustrated, upset or annoyed – it’s important to embrace all emotions. It’s just equally as important to ask yourself how you want to handle these emotions and how you want to show up in life!
It makes a big difference when you ask yourself who you want to be – and an even bigger difference when you ask yourself who you want to be in those lower feeling moments. When I do catch myself in a more negative mindset there are a few things I do to help me shift out of it. I’m excited to share what those are with you, so you can start feeling happier, lighter and enjoy life in an even bigger way!