ice skating

How Lazy Are You?

How lazy are you?

How lazy are you?

This winter has definitely been one for the books!

With all this cold, snow and slush, I’ve been learning some very valuable lessons. As a gal who typically enjoys the summer much more, because I like hiking, hitting up a patio or going to the beach – this time of year can be super challenging.

So, this winter I’ve been working very hard at shifting my mindset – mainly because I’m tired of feeling so blah, grumpy and LAZY! I’ve been doing this by bringing awareness to the “winter stories” aka excuses I’ve been telling myself.

I’ve also realized how my winter mindset applies to other areas in my life and I can’t wait to share my latest revelation with you in this weeks video!


Skating Adventures

Skating Adventures

Skating Adventures

Winter adventures in full effect! This past weekend my bf Jason and I hit the rink with our skates. It was cold, it was snowing and my feet felt like they were going to fall off by the end, but we had SO MUCH FUN! I’m usually not a big fan of winter, despite living up north in Ontario, but I told myself I was going to make the most of it this year!

With every adventure I go on, I always love reflecting on 3 specific things:

What did I learn?

What did I love?

Did I laugh?

These 3 Adventure L’s always help me discover more of who I am and how I grow from different experiences.

With skating I learned that it can be a really fun partner activity. Jason and I had the best time together. It gave us an opportunity to decompress from our day and connect with one another. I also discovered I actually enjoy skating, whereas before I always thought of it as something that would hurt my feet. Turns out buying your own skates really helps with your comfort level 😉

What I loved was being able to get outside in the winter. Usually I’m a hermit because there hasn’t been anything exciting enough to get me outside. Turns out I just needed a mindset adjustment. I also loved holding Jason’s hand and having him pull me around…hehe.

And did I laugh? Ha! I didn’t realize until editing this VLOG how much I giggled and that I had a smile on my face the whole time 🙂

I hope this weeks video inspires you just a little bit to add some winter adventure into your life!