Monthly Archives: January 2018

Embarrassing Life Lesson

Embarrassing Life Lesson

Embarrassing Life Lesson

When have you learned a very valuable life lesson? I don’t know about you, but usually all the lessons I learn end up coming from very challenging, heartbreaking or embarrassing experiences. I mean, at the end of the day learning from our mistakes and discovering the outcome of a situation is really how we grow and evolve. If you’re living each day the same and not pushing yourself to do more, your life isn’t going to evolve into more. It’s as simple as that.

Lately I’ve been exploring more and more of my Life Map and learning a lot of valuable lessons from my past. I had a big ah-ha moment reflecting back on getting my ears pierced at 16 years old. The whole thing was a bit embarrassing (which I will share in this weeks video), but on the other side of the embarrassment was a big realization. I would love to know if you can relate!


How to Declutter Your Life

It’s super challenging to declutter your condo, house, office etc. It’s hard to say goodbye to items you’ve had for awhile or invested in. Many of us choose to hold onto things for various reasons, but it’s time to decide if it’s worth keeping! Maybe the item has sentimental value, maybe you spent a lot of money on it, or perhaps you have guilt getting rid of it because you feel you didn’t use it or wear it enough.

One thing I know for sure is that a cluttered space really does take a toll on you mentally. It can feel stressful and overwhelming to constantly be surrounded by STUFF!

My friend Laura was feeling this exact way living in her condo so I paid her a visit to coach her through letting go of certain items in her closet so should can create more space in her home and her life!

I’m hoping her purging story will help inspire you to tackle the clutter in your home so you can feel lighter and more at ease.