Feeling Overwhelmed With Life
The past few months have felt like a massive roller coaster ride. Sometimes I want to scream and get off the ride ASAP and sometimes I want to throw my hands up in the air with delight and giggle my way through the entire ride.
Life is hard. Life is messy. It’s also beautiful and amazing.
When we feel stressed and overwhelmed it’s hard to always see the beauty in it.
My mind has been feeling very scattered lately. I’ve been struggling to stay focused because I’m overwhelmed with so many different ideas, tasks, and opportunities. On top of that I also can’t help but feel a lot of doubt and fear about the future.
I knew something was really wrong when I went to film some new videos a couple weeks ago and I couldn’t even string a sentence together! That’s when I knew I had to take a time out. I decided to spend some time in Central Park where I ended up creating a system to help shed what I call thought layers. This really helped to ground me and allowed me to become clear on what’s truly important.
I’m really excited to share this technique with you in this weeks video as it changed things dramatically for me.
Feel less overwhelmed by shedding thought layers
What are thought layers?
There are so many categories in life we’re constantly thinking about – everything from our jobs, family, finances, relationships and hobbies. Within each category we can have anywhere from 1-100 thoughts. No wonder we feel overwhelmed! Each thought takes up another layer in your brain. The key is to start shedding those thought layers to make more room for the ones that really matter.
How to shed thought layers and feel less overwhelmed
#1: Make a list of all your life categories (job, family, finances, relationships and hobbies etc.)
#2: Under each category write out every thought you have. Just get it out on paper!
#3: Take a look at the list and cross out and let go of every thought that’s not actually relevant, you have no control over, or that’s not as important as you originally thought. This is where you shed those thought layers.
#4: Take a look at the thoughts that are left. See how much lighter you feel and how you now have more clarity around what’s truly important.
If you enjoyed this video make sure to also check out My #1 Strategy to Minimize Stress
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