Does Your Job Define You?

Does Your Job Define You?
I’ve been wrestling a lot lately with who I am vs. what I do. Ever since leaving my full time job and stepping into a new role, I’ve wondered if who I once was is still a part of who I am.
I’ve had numerous jobs in my life, and once I reached a point where I felt I had a ‘career’, that became my identity. One of the first questions people typically ask you is “what do you do?”. As if what I do is going to give them some giant clue as to who I am as a human.
I find it so fascinating how people react to this question based on how they define themselves by their job. Some people are proud of what they do, while others hold a lot of shame around their job. They sometimes even feel the need to justify why they have a particular job.
In this weeks video I want to help you see you’re so much more than what you do for a living. Check it out.