Monthly Archives: April 2017

How I Learned to Ease my Anxiety

How I Learned to Ease my Anxiety

How I Learned to Ease my Anxiety

One of the biggest lessons I’ve been learning big time this past year is how to not be so hard on myself. I tend to be a big dreamer, but what I’ve discovered comes along with that, is a whole whack-load of stress and anxiety – which is obviously no fun at all!

By being a big dreamer I’ve put huge expectations on myself, and when I don’t feel I’m getting close to where I want to be anxiety kicks in big time! I’ve learned the actual term for this type of anxiousness is called high functioning anxiety and what I find triggers it is fear. Fear of not getting to where I want to be, fear of not being good enough, fear of being seen as a failure.

I used to wake up every morning with a pit in my stomach. Worried about how I wasn’t going to see the results I wanted.

The thing with me is I don’t have any problem taking action. I’m not afraid of putting myself out there and seeing what happens. However, the downside is when you feel you’ve done everything you can but you still aren’t seeing the results you want. That’s when the anxiety tends to consume me the most.

It’s taken me a long time to figure out how to get to a place where I feel more at ease, but I’m finally getting there. Sometimes I still have setbacks but I’m much closer to being at peace with myself than I ever have been before.

I’m hoping what I’ve learned throughout this journey can also help you anytime you feel fear and anxiety creep into your life.


How to Discover Your Dream Job: Tips on figuring out your passion in life

How to Discover Your Dream Job

How to Discover Your Dream Job

I had a dream job most people would kill for. Working as a T.V Producer at one of the top networks in Canada, I got to go to fancy events, interview celebrities and hangout on red carpets. Part of me wonders if I’m a little crazy for leaving that job, but at the end of the day deep down something just didn’t feel quite right. I did that job for almost 10 years, and to be honest, it took me a long time to admit that the job just didn’t fulfill me. I always felt like something was missing. There was some disconnect between me and the type of work I was doing. I just didn’t know what else to do with my life and every time I would try and figure it out I just become more and more frustrated because nothing really seemed to excite me.

Figuring out my dream job and doing what I’m super passionate about didn’t just happen overnight. It was a loooong journey, and one that had me in tears A LOT!

In today’s video I share how I figured out what my passion truly is, and tips that might help you discover yours!


How to Get Over the Monday Blues

How to get over the Monday Blues

How to get over the Monday Blues

Yup – it’s Monday. You know what the worst thing is in my opinion about Monday? It ruins Sunday! There were so many times I sulked around on Sunday’s dreading what was about to happen the next day – the start of a whole new week. A week filled with early mornings, deadlines, conflicts, and certain energy draining co-workers. I mean, who actually likes Monday’s when you put it that way?!

Well, my Monday bashing days are over! Mainly because I’m now an entrepreneur so Monday’s don’t have the same meaning anymore. However, I can still totally relate to that feeling of dread. I’ve been working at busting through this uncomfortable feeling and I’ve actually found a way that works really well! I have a good feeling it will also help with your Monday blues!

Check it out in this weeks video!