Monthly Archives: December 2017

In One Year I Changed My Entire Life 1

In One Year I Changed My Entire Life

In One Year I Changed My Entire Life

Ok – confession time. A few years ago I didn’t really know who I was. To be honest, I didn’t think to take the time to think about it. I was just going through the motions of life instead of thinking of the life I wanted to create for myself.

It wasn’t until I got out of a relationship that I was forced to think about what and who I really wanted to be in life. Becoming single changed everything for me. I felt I had this newfound freedom I hadn’t tapped into before. I didn’t realize how much I was holding myself back due to the fact I was in a relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame my lack of freedom on the relationship – the problem was I just didn’t have the awareness to realize how I was choosing to show up in the relationship. Relationships can be extremely beautiful, however I also believe they work best when you can compliment each other’s life instead of allowing the relationship to become your life.

Once that relationship did end I found myself automatically searching for other things to fill that void, and in the process unexpectedly found myself! By saying YES to opportunities and seeking out certain adventures, I was unconsciously discovering more and more about who I really was. By continuously stepping outside my comfort zone, I ended up giving myself one of the greatest gifts in the world.

In this weeks video I share more about how I did this, and how you too can create your most epic year yet that will create the foundation for a life you’ll truly love living.


Do You Have FOMO?

Do you have FOMO?

Do you have FOMO?

Have you ever experienced FOMO? If you’ve never heard this term before it stands for Fear of Missing Out. It’s a really common feeling many of us experience in social situations where we don’t want to miss out on all the fun! The problem is living with FOMO can stress you out, give you anxiety and drain your energy.

Often we don’t take time to even think about the real fear that’s behind FOMO. Instead we’re just overcome with a strong emotion that leads us to do things without knowing our true intention behind it. Taking the time to think about why you truly want to do something will save you so much time, energy and sanity!

In this weeks video I share what area in my life I struggle with FOMO and give you tips on how to find out if you’re choosing to do things that are serving you the most!


Saying Goodbye to a Passion: How to Re-evaluate Life

How to Re-evaluate Life

How to Re-evaluate Life

This past week has been an emotional one! After a lot of reflection I decided that after 10 years of teaching fitness, it was time to re-evaluate life and let it go.

Teaching fitness has always been a huge passion of mine so this decision was not an easy one to make. As I went through the process of making this choice, I realized I had a lot of fears to overcome.

I believe anytime we find ourselves at a fork in the road it’s important to spend time uncovering the fears that are making it challenging to make a decision. At the end of the day we know what we want – we’re just blinded by fear. By breaking through the different fears it’s far easier to develop more clarity.

It’s also key to recognize the purpose certain events, experiences and people have in your Life Map journey. When I looked back on my Life Map it was incredible to see how becoming a Fitness Instructor was so vital in me becoming who I am today!

In this weeks video I share my journey of becoming a Fitness Instructor, and exactly why I had to say goodbye 10 years later.