
How to be Happier

How to be Happier

How to be Happier

It can be easy to fall into a bit of a rut sometimes – especially when you’re doing the same thing day after day, week after week. Sometimes this can leave you feeling negative, unmotivated and bored. It’s important to not let your daily monotonous routine take a toll on your level of happiness, positivity and fulfillment. To keep flexing your happiness muscle there are a few easy things you can do to boost your mood instantly. Check them out in this weeks video!


Boost Your Self Confidence

Self Confidence

Self Confidence

Confidence is one of those topics I LOVE talking about! It’s something most of us are always striving to find more of, and even though we know what confidence means and looks like, sometimes we still struggle to implement strategies to achieve it for ourselves.

It’s important to understand that there are different levels of confidence. The first is surface level confidence. This is where you appear confident on the outside but don’t necessarily feel it on the inside. This is where the classic phrase “fake it till you make it” comes in. It’s not necessarily a bad thing because sometimes by faking it we’re allowing ourselves to learn and get more comfortable in a situation. Once you get more comfortable with something you will start to notice your confidence naturally increase.

To be truly confident in who you are from a deeper standpoint, it’s important to work on what’s called your core confidence. This takes constant work and requires you to be patient with yourself. You didn’t enter this world without confidence. Somewhere down the line it’s been stripped from you – it’s mainly due to people judging you, reacting to you in a negative way, or making assumptions about you. These hurtful experiences are now etched into your own personal blueprint without you even possibly realizing.

There is one thing you need to be aware of before you can truly start working on building your core confidence and I share just what that is in this weeks video 🙂


How to Let go of the Past

How to let go of the past

How to let go of the past

We can be so freaking hard on ourselves sometimes! I’m sure there’s been a time in your life when you’ve done something you regret. Maybe you wish you had said something different or reacted differently in a situation. It’s easy to beat ourselves up after the fact, but it’s really important for your own mental health that you find a way to let it go and forgive yourself.

When we hold onto mistakes we remain stuck and end up staying on this wheel of regret which feeds our fears and insecurities. It’s important to acknowledge what you learned from the experience so when you’re faced with a similar situation you know exactly how you would handle it.

The past is the past and all you can do is learn from it, let it go and allow yourself to grow. It can be the most painful experiences that really force us to make changes in our thoughts and behaviours – but without those experiences we wouldn’t have the opportunity to learn how to be the best version of ourselves.

I hope this weeks video helps to shift your perspective about regrets and allows you to let go of the past and focus on who you want to be as you move forward towards a really fulfilling life!


How to Say NO! 3

say no

Say NO

What do you mean? Oooh
When you nod your head yes
But you wanna say no
What do you mean? Heeey

I never thought I would quote Justin Bieber but there’s a first for everything!

I know a lot of people who have trouble spitting out the ‘N’ word. I believe many of us struggle with this because we’re people pleasers. We want to make sure everyone else is happy – even at our own expense. There is also a lot of guilt that comes up for many of us when we say no.

It’s important to learn how to stand your ground, because saying yes all the time when you wanna say no can cause you a lot of unnecessary stress! It also builds a lot of resentment towards other people when it’s really an internal issue you need to work on yourself. You shouldn’t blame other people for making you feel like you should say yes – that decision is fully on you and you need to work through why it’s so difficult for you to be honest about what you really want.

Being truthful and saying no actually shows a lot of confidence, and people will respect you more for staying true to who you are and what you want. People will likely be even more drawn to you because confidence is an attractive quality to have.

In this weeks video I give you some new perspectives to think about that will help you feel good about saying no! Check it out 🙂