
Fear of Public Speaking – Tips on giving a presentation at work

Fear of Public Speaking

Fear of Public Speaking

Getting up in front of a crowd and giving a presentation can be one of the most terrifying feelings ever! According to a survey, people fear public speaking more than death! Sometimes it can’t be avoided though, especially if its part of your job. In this weeks video I want to give you some tips that have helped me overcome the anxiety I feel when I have to get up in front of a group.


Feel Confident Meeting New People

Feel confident meeting new people

Feel confident meeting new people

I know how intimidating it can feel to be at an event or a party and not know anyone. It’s easy to feel awkward, or out of place and can be really challenging to start a conversation with someone you don’t know, especially if you’re more of an introvert. I have been in this situation so many times and I sometimes still need to give myself a bit of a pep talk before entering new territory!

It’s normal to feel a little anxious in this situation, but it’s important you don’t avoid these outings out of pure fear because it’s just going to make it harder the next time. The more you do something the more confident you become. That goes for anything – even meeting new people. Once you get in the groove of it you’ll notice a huge change in your confidence. It just takes a bit of time to work up to it.

Check out this weeks video to find out what’s worked for me when it comes to meeting new people and see if you can start working these tips into your own social life.


How to Deal with Annoying People

How to deal with annoying people

How to deal with annoying people

I find it fascinating how certain people can get under our skin and irritate us beyond belief. I find it even more interesting how other people may not be phased at all by the exact same thing!

Some people have the ability to trigger us in unusual ways and it’s so easy to judge them based on how we interpret their actions and behaviour. There are always clues behind why certain things bother us. To be able to understand it more clearly and let it go, you have to take a step back and really ask yourself why that particular thing is bothering you so much. Many of us don’t think to ask ourselves this question and continue on feeling more annoyed than we need to.

I believe it’s important to start challenging yourself next time you feel annoyed by someone. You might come across some fascinating discoveries!


I’ve Always Struggled with People Cancelling – Until now 2

The struggle with people cancelling

The struggle with people cancelling

I’ve always struggled with people cancelling on me. It would drive me nuts! I felt like people didn’t respect my time, or I didn’t matter enough to them and I became really frustrated and felt defeated.

This is a terrible mindset to be in. Not only am I feeling sorry for myself, but I’m also not taking into consideration how the other person feels or what they might be going through that’s causing them to cancel in the first place.

It’s so easy to get wrapped up and lost in our own thoughts and assumptions and fall into victim mentality where woe is me.

To live a more fulfilling life it’s important you find ways that will help pull you out of this negative thinking trap. It requires you to retrain your brain a bit but once you get into the habit of it, you will feel so much more free!

Check out this weeks video to see how I’ve been able to shift my mindset about an issue that has been one of my biggest pet peeves my entire life!


Why Going to NYC Feels Like the Best Idea Ever!



Ever since I was a little girl I’ve wanted to live in NYC. I wrote about it in my journal and day dreamed about it constantly. I wanted to attend Juilliard so badly I even had them mail me an info package so I could try and plan out how exactly I was going to make it happen. Let’s just say between the tuition costs and my acting background it didn’t quite happen.

My dream may not have happened exactly how I envisioned it, but I’m really excited to say that I just booked a ticket to NYC without knowing exactly when I’m coming back. The timing couldn’t be more perfect right now and everything flowed into place with such ease. That’s when you know it’s right.

I’ve been trying to focus more on allowing things to flow in my life instead of forcing them. Forcing something to happen never feels good, and it usually never turns out how you envisioned it. This week I take a look at different times in my life that felt forced vs. when it just flowed.

Is there something in your life you’re trying to force right now? Ask yourself how well that’s working for ya.


My Struggle with Having Patience – How I’ve Learned to Chill Out 2

My struggle with patience

My struggle with patience

Ever since I was a kid I’ve been known to be quite determined. When I have my mind set on something there’s no looking back. I throw everything I have into making it happen. Some might call it stubborn, but I believe if it feels right and I’m not hurting myself or anyone else, it’s considered determination.

As many benefits as there are to having a determined mindset, there is one thing I’ve always struggled with – patience! The lack of patience I have tends to produce a lot of anxiety. I have such a vision of where I want to be, but I struggle with the patience to get there. I tend to want it all, and want it now!

Becoming an entrepreneur has really tested my patience, and I realized I needed to create a system that will help me stay more present and enjoy the process. In this weeks video I share a simple strategy that has helped me chill out… a lot! It can also help YOU in many other areas of life, such as boosting motivation or confidence.


The Key to Success

key to success

Key to success

What is success? Everyone has a different definition of what this word means to them. I encourage you to take a minute and ask yourself what exactly it means to you.

The two biggest areas we seek success in is our career and relationships. Sometimes we find ourselves in a bit of a rut in these areas, struggling to figure out what exactly we need to do to take things to the next level. It’s important to know that success does take work but as soon as you know the steps you need to take, it makes it much easier to succeed.

There are 3 major roadblocks you need to be aware of that will help give you the breakthroughs you’re looking for. Check them out in this weeks video!